Forecasts on maps

Forecast for 2025, Poland

Relationship between available workers and the needs of employers for - physical protection services workers Show

  • great surplus of job seekers [ 0 ]
  • surplus of job seekers [ 5 ]
  • balance between the demand and supply [ 349 ]
  • shortage of job seekers [ 26 ]
  • great shortage of job seekers [ 0 ]
  • no rating [ 0 ]
Shortage occupations

Those, in which it should not be difficult to find a job, as the demand from employers will be high, while the supply labour with the required skills will be low.

Balanced occupations

Those, in which the number of jobs offered will be close to the number of people capable of taking up employment in a given occupation (supply and demand are balanced).

Surplus occupations

Those, in which it might be more difficult to find a job due to the low demand and/or excess number of candidates that meet the employers requirements.