The Occupational Barometer is a qualitative survey. It is created separately for each county in Poland based on the opinion of experts who meet and analyse the situation in individual occupations at the turn of the third and fourth quarter.

About research

National coordinator of the Occupational Barometer: Regional Labour Office in Kraków

Period of implementation: 03.04.2024 r. – 31.12.2024 r.

Source of financing: Labour Fund 

Co-financing: PLN 472 113, including PLN 398 420 for coordination of a nationwide survey

Description: The Occupational Barometer is a short-term (one year) forecast of the situation in occupations. The occupations are classified by experts into three groups:

  • shortage occupations – those in which it should not be difficult to find a job in the coming year;
  • balanced occupations – those in which the number of vacancies will be close to the number of people capable of and interested in taking up employment in the occupation concerned;
  • surplus occupations – those in which it might be more difficult to find a job because of the low demand and numerous candidates willing to take up employment and meeting the employers’ requirements.

The barometer is developed at the counties level and allows to observe the directions and intensity of changes taking place on local labour markets. The results can be useful for planning training, supporting the process of job mobility or selecting career path.

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